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Hot Octopuss Review of the Month: Sex Toys Over 50

Hot Octopuss Review of the Month: Sex Toys Over 50

Following last month’s awesome ATOM PLUS review from Violet Fenn, which got a great response when we republished it on our blog, we’ve decided to start sharing more of the amazing reviews we get for our products here. Today we’re sharing a review of PULSE SOLO ESSENTIAL from Amazon that talks about using sex toys over 50.

Not only that, but every month from now on we’re going to pick our favourite review from Amazon, Trustpilot or our website and republish it on our blog. We’ll also pick one of the reviews received in that month on those platforms at random and send them a £50 Amazon voucher.

This month’s top review talks about sex toys over 50 and comes from Nomad on Nomad titled his review ‘Over 50 looking for an assist’ and writes:

I purchased this after looking over many items that would help with my ED and inability to ejaculate. I used this to reach orgasm/ejaculation 5 times successfully to date. It is a slow building full body orgasm and works very well. Unfortunately I require a lot of stimulation to reach that point “duration.” The batteries after the 5th or 6th usage seemed to die off and I was left 1 Viagra down and no fulfilment. I am still trying and will report at a later time monitored battery life. If it continues to decline after less than 10 uses I would have to give a thumbs down.

Update: I think the reason the batteries started to quit was that I forgot to charge fully between uses. So far 10 uses (successful), and going strong. Another benefit is the ability to comfortably use while wearing a indwelling catheter.

We’re always delighted to read testimonials like this and we hope the review will be useful to other people with erectile dysfunction and delayed orgasm looking for assistance.