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Hot Octopuss is all over the media. Check out some of our reviews below from noted media publishers.

  • The Future of Onanism: 6 Sex Toys That Redefine Male Masturbation

    We hear all about tech innovations in phones, cameras, cars, even glasses almost every day. But one category has eluded the spotlight for what seems like decades: sex toys for men.

  • Oscillating Vibrators Are the Hot New Trend in Sex Tech

    When you use a lot of sex toys, they can all start to blend together—in part because they all seem to vibrate in slight variations of the same way. Some toys may be more powerful than others, but they all pretty much make a basic rumbling motion. Or so I thought—until I learned about Hot Octopuss's new clitoral stimulator, which uses an oscillator to create movement.

  • What Are The Best Sex Toys For Women? 17 Innovative Products To Try Now

    For the month of September, Bustle’s Sex TBH package is talking about sex, honestly. We’re delving into how women approach the things they’re taught to be shy or embarrassed about in the bedroom — and, in doing so, we're liberating people to live their best (sex) lives. Let’s do it.

  • The Hard Facts About The “First” Male Vibrator

    Don't let the suave British speaker in the video below distract you. He's describing a new sex toy specifically designed for men — one that's being billed as the so-called "first male vibrator." But, while the Hot Octopuss Pulse II definitely presents exciting developments in male-sex-toy technology, it's just another in a long line of sex toys for men.

  • Where are all the sex toys for older adults?

    It isn’t every day you see a sex toy on a billboard, and it’s even more rare you’ll see one in the hands of a person in their seventies.
    But thanks to Grace and Frankie, the Netflix sitcom starring Lily Tomlin and Jane Fonda, that’s exactly what people saw(opens in a new tab) when the show’s third season premiered last year. The series, which centers around two friends who face many challenges while trying to create a vibrator for seniors, has brought to light an interesting real-life question: Where are all the sex toys for older people?


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