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The New & Enhanced

THIS Cock Ring Took My Sex Life To The Next Level

THIS Cock Ring Took My Sex Life To The Next Level

Cock rings have the power to make you last longer AND come harder. Guest writer M. Christian gives the scoop on ATOM PLUS and what puts it leagues above the rest.

There’s a lot of things I wish people would understand about sex. That it’s not a thing to be given or taken, for starters. Or that being a good lover isn’t about performance or quantity of partners, but communication skills, imagination, and conscientiousness.

This time, however, I want to talk about the myth that sex can’t get any better

That, for some reason, we have to settle for what we have. WRONG!

While it is true that there are things we simply have to accept, this is not one of them. The reason is there are all kinds of toys, techniques, and activities available to turn good sex into great—and even—greater, sex.

Say hellooo to cock rings

For the penis-equipped, one of the best ways to begin your journey towards this is to learn about cock rings.

Alas, due to space constraints, I can’t delve into them as much I’d like to. But I can go over the basics in addition to introducing you to an excellently designed and manufactured sex toy. One that’s taken the cock ring to whole new levels!

In essence, cook rings are a loop of material placed around the shaft of the penis and then behind the testicles. They do their magic by slightly restricting the blood flow to the shaft and head.

One of the main benefits is increasing a person’s ability to last longer. Which can be deal for anyone battling premature ejaculation. There’s also their aiding in achieving and maintaining an erection, so erectile dysfunction doesn’t have to rain on your parade. The third main benefit is that cock rings can increase the power and perhaps even the duration of the wearer’s orgasm.

They are not without risks, though. But compared to other sexual devices, they tend to be on the low side. Chief among them is that they should never be too tight or worn for too long. As this might damage the delicate tissues and structure of the penis.

Meet your new wingman, ATOM PLUS

Huge kudos to the folx at Hot Octopuss for allowing me to experience ATOM PLUS. Already a long-time cock ring enthusiast, I was delightfully pleased by It. AND how they took my favorite kind of sextoy and made it considerably better!

They did this by creating a ring with the benefit of a pair of integrated motors. With one placed at the top and one at the bottom, they provide around-the-world sensation for the wearer and a vibey little treat for their partner.

The contour of ATOM PLUS is designed to curve toward the wearer’s body, so the lower motor delivers powerful perineum stimulation, while the upper portion is perfectly radiused for your partner to grind away on.

How ATOM PLUS Can Improve Your Sex Life

My time with ATOM PLUS was deliciously enlightening. Because using it showed me that sex could be a lot more than I previously imagined.

Solo, it’s a blast both as a stand-alone cock ring and by using those twin motors. This way, if the vibrations weren’t doing what I wanted them to do, I could simply switch it off. Then, if I desired, I had the option to turn them back on. Or play with the toy’s built-in range of intensities and vibrational patterns.

It was with playing with another person that when things really began to happen. This is due to how Hot Octopuss built the ATOM PLUS so one of its double motors equally stimulates the genitals of a partner.

And it most assuredly did, as while we tried it out, the two of us were able to get incredibly turned on by it. With the extra-added benefit that this cock ring plus allowed me to stay harder and longer. And work wonders in delaying my orgasm.

Best sex ever is in your head

Along with those other great many realities about sex I’d like to impart, there’s another I want to yell from the rooftops.

It’s this: while getting more out of it can frequently involve cool toys like the ATOM PLUS, nothing beats the power of imagination. So give yourself permission to have fun dreaming up all sorts of new ways of doing things. Especially when you can also share them with your partner or partners.

And walking hand in hand with developing your imagination is the importance of expanding your mind regarding sex itself. Particularly that it doesn’t have to involve penetration, oral sex, or even result in orgasm to be amazing.

So have a good time. Or, if you have a consenting partner, have a blast doing things together. And never forget that there’s a vast world of possibilities out there when it comes to experiencing sexual pleasure—so get out there and see what you can discover!