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What’s the Best Vibrating Cock Ring?

What’s the Best Vibrating Cock Ring?

The humble cock ring is one of the cheapest, most popular and most effective sex toys for penis-owners and couples. Whether you want a cock ring in its most basic form to maintain erection or achieve a stronger one, or a full bells-and-whistles version to provide additional stimulation for both partners, the range available is enormous. So what’s the best cock ring for you and why would you use a vibrating cock ring?

Before we go any further, let us state that we personally don’t think anyone has produced a vibrating cock ring as technologically advanced, powerful, or fun for couples as those in our new ATOM Cock Ring, but read further to find out why, as well as what other types of cock ring might be right for you.

History of the Cock Ring

According to a great piece in Mel magazine, the earliest recorded shoutout to the cock ring was in China dated around the year 1200: “Someone got the idea of fashioning a ring from goat eyelids with the lashes still on, then tying it on in an effort to stiffen the member, boost pleasure and prolong the orgasm. It worked.” There’s also some archaeological evidence of cock rings from Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome.

Fast forward 800 years and, whether you call it a pleasure ring, testicle ring, c-ring or ‘that elastic band in my bedside drawer’ (this is a joke: do not do this because your knob may fall off), most cock rings work in exactly the same way as that early version, minus the goat. You can now buy cock rings in metal, rubber, latex, leather and even steel, but they all perform the same function: they trap the blood flow as it enters your penis, increasing the size of your erection and keeping it going for a longer period of time. When you do eventually orgasm, it’s likely to feel more intense. It’s effective, and as long as you don’t leave it on for longer than about 20-30 minutes (see above warning about your knob dropping off), it’s harmless. More info about safety is available.

Why Use A Vibrating Cock Ring?

It can take time to get the hang of using a basic cock ring, bearing in mind that there’s a wide range of sizes and materials available. We recommend starting with an adjustable or highly flexible cock ring to ensure it’s easy to put on, take off, and fit correctly. That achieved, it’s human nature to start wondering how you can make the experience even better. Adding vibration is an obvious next step, to increase stimulation for both partners. A further innovation is to design the cock ring to go around the scrotum as well as the penis, and introduce vibration for the perineum. And this is useful if you are wondering why perineum stimulation is a thing

There are many vibrating cock rings available, but as we already stated, we think our ATOM range is the best. This is only our opinion, but we’ve thought about it *a lot*: in fact, we spent five years researching and developing ATOM and ATOM PLUS to make them the best vibrating cock rings on the market. Here are four reasons why we think we’ve succeeded:

1. Most cock rings focus on the wearer, not the partner

But ATOM and ATOM PLUS also put focus on the partner, by offering a much wider surface area than is typically found in cock rings for partner stimulation (this wider area also makes it much easier for the partner to position their self for the best sensation). In addition, and unlike other cock rings, the ATOM and ATOM PLUS have a raised nub for the partner to grind against.

2. Our vibrating cock ring has a significantly stronger motor than other cock rings

You have to feel it to believe it, but some of these recent tweets from reviewers will give you an idea:


> Also coming this week my review for the @HotOctopuss Atom cock ring. Without doubt the strongest most effective cock ring I’ve had the pleasure of. The motor on the Atom is bad ass! — Candysnatch Reviews (@CandysReviews) March 26, 2018

3. Our ATOM PLUS is the only cock ring available that features dual integrated motors to stimulate the perineum and the penis simultaneously.

We have created patented sex-tech that allows us to integrate and connect two motors within a stretchy ring – an industry first. This tech allows us to use more powerful motors, which means the motors work better together, the cock ring fits more comfortably and the overall look is sleeker.

4. Sex toy reviewers think it’s awesome

Candysnatch Reviews said of the ATOM: “This is without doubt the most powerful and beastly cock ring I’ve ever played with. Everything about it screams power… The vibration in the Atom is ridiculous… On top speed the vibrations are deep and rumbly, the kind I hope for from any vibrator I’m testing… He felt like the Atom increased the intensity of his orgasm. It felt stronger and the sensations lasted longer, I picked this up as well… I’d go as far as to say it's my favourite couples toy to date.”

Sex Machine Reviews said of ATOM PLUS: “This is not just your usual run of the mill cock ring, this is a superhero of a cock ring… The vibrations from the two large motors are exactly what Hot Octopuss said they would be; they deliver deep rumbly vibrations that feel great against the clitoris, cock and perineum… We have now got the hang of reading each other and efficiently communicating so we can time our orgasms to happen simultaneously and that is honestly mind-blowing.” Full review .

And finally, Girl On The Net said of ATOM PLUS: “Once I was done with my squirming and squealing and coming really hard, he took on thrusting and came quite hard too. In fact one of the potential massive benefits of this cock ring is it makes it so easy for me to come that I can almost certainly use it to get back into the swing of timing it so we both come at once.” [You can read the full story, but it’s def NSFW.