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How To Find The Most Unique Sex Toys

How To Find The Most Unique Sex Toys

It’s natural that humans want to chase variety, in sex as well as elsewhere in life. Same-old-same-old masturbation is pleasurable, of course: even a bad wank is still nice. Just as a ‘bad’ chocolate biscuit is better than no biscuit at all. But sometimes you want something a bit unique – a change of pace or a toy that’s so unusual it gives you a brand new sensation.

But there are infinite variations on the standard sex toys: thousands of different dildos, a million and one masturbation sheaths, a billion types of vibrating cock ring… What if you want something truly original? How do you hunt out the most innovative, unique sex toys with which to stock your sex toy collection?

Word of mouth

Fifty years ago the idea of asking your friends to recommend you a unique sex toy would have been the equivalent of asking them to have sex in your living room. But it’s the 21st century now, and reviews and recommendations are right at the heart of great product marketing. Whether it’s leaving an Amazon review for a dirty book you’ve read, or telling your friends about cool new couples sex toys like the PULSE DUO.

Sometimes the best way to receive recommendations is to give them yourself. Got a fantastic sex toy that you love? Tell all your mates – and wait for their recommendations to flow in exchange.

Unique sex toy blogs

There are lots of bloggers who masturbate tirelessly on your behalf – testing out the coolest unique sex toys on the market. Check out some sex toy tips from our favourite experts, and have a look through their blogs. Often they get early access to new products, so they might have word on a shiny new sex toy before anyone else: get ahead of the game by subscribing to their blogs, or following them on Twitter.

Ask your radiologist

The sheer number of things found inside the human body is almost impossible to catalogue. We say ‘*almost* impossible’ because some doctors have certainly given it a go.

The website Radiopaedia – an information sharing site for radiologists – has a pretty extensive list (alongside X-ray snapshots) of some of the weird and wonderful things that have been found in people’s rectums. Ranging from the understandable (a large dildo) to the terrifying (a light bulb) to the downright imaginative (a frozen pig’s tail).

If you’re looking for some truly unique sex toys, that no one’s ever used before, you could do worse than asking your friendly neighbourhood X-ray technician if there’s anything they haven’t seen.

Unique sex toys in porn

Have you ever bought a sex toy after being inspired by a porn film? Plenty of people have. And let’s face it, if you’re thinking of picking up some unique sex toys, surely watching them in use during porn counts as thorough and important research?

To our complete delight, PULSE SOLO ESSENTIAL is one of the unique sex toys that crops up in porn very regularly. Often male solo videos, in which guys use PULSE to have powerful hands-free orgasms.

Put up an ad on Gumtree

“Wanted: unique sex toys that will make lovers think I am a sexual superhero. Will pay £££. Ideally new. Or at least wiped down beforehand.”

Make your own

There’s always more room on the market for unique sex toys that do brand new things to your genitals. If you think you’ve got a seriously awesome idea, that will smash people’s expectations of masturbatory pleasure, then get your idea down on paper and get to work. There are plenty of ways to get your idea to market, from the Lovehoney ‘design a sex toy’ competition, to taking a special course in sex toy design from Melbourne University (yes, really).

Ideas for truly unique sex toys can come from all kinds of places. It might be a horny afternoon on your own experimenting, or a chance idea that springs from a magazine article. Our own amazing PULSE SOLO ESSENTIAL ‘guybrator’ was cooked up by founder Adam Lewis. He was browsing a paper on involuntary ejaculation in guys who had injuries which meant they couldn’t orgasm. To facilitate IVF, oscillating vibrations were applied to the head of the penis, and hey presto! A medical product, which was honed and tested and eventually brought to market as PULSE – the only toy that uses patented oscillating vibrations to give you a brand new kind of orgasm.