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‘GuyFi’ booth brings relief to overworked NYC men

‘GuyFi’ booth brings relief to overworked NYC men
With a staggering 80 per cent of Americans saying they suffer from workplace stress, award-winning sex toy brand Hot Octopuss has launched the world’s first ‘GuyFi’ male stress relief booth in Manhattan.

According to Time Out, a remarkable 39% of New Yorkers ‘self-soothe’ in the workplace to alleviate stress. Hot Octopuss has created the GuyFi booth to take this habit out of the office and into a more suitable environment designed to give the busy Manhattan man the privacy, and the high-speed Internet connection, he deserves.

Hot Octopuss, maker of the world’s first ‘Guybrator’, has been working hard to reduce the stigma around male sex toys as well as advocating the health benefits of masturbation.

The company now invites office workers in desperate need of some downtime to visit the GuyFi booth and find out for themselves how a little break can make a big difference to their wellbeing and productivity.

Scientists say that male ‘alone time’ reduces depression and stress, as well as increasing self-esteem – all undeniably beneficial for staying healthy in today’s fast paced and stressful work environment. A break for as little as 15 minutes can seriously enhance productivity in the work place.

Adam Lewis, Hot Octopuss co-founder and designer of PULSE, the world’s first Guybrator, said:

“There’s no denying that working a nine to five job can be stressful on both your mind and body, especially in a non-stop city like Manhattan. It’s really important for guys to look after themselves so that they can stay healthy and focus properly on the task in hand. We’re told time and time again how beneficial it is to have a break away from your desk.”

Adam continued:

“At Hot Octopuss we are all about looking for new solutions to improve everyday life and we feel we’ve done just that with the new GuyFi booth. We hope the city’s men enjoy using the space we’ve created in whatever way they want. It’s completely free of charge… all that we ask is they thank us when they get their promotion!”